Dr. Antoine Rutayisire
Antoine Rutayisire is the current Rwandan Team Leader of African Enterprise, an organization that is committed to bringing healing, reconciliation, strength and renewal back to the disillusioned and devastated Rwandan church and nation. Prior to his current position he was a lecturer at the Rwanda National University, a teacher and Deputy Headmaster at a Kigali secondary school (1983-1990), and Rwanda National Secretary for IFES (1990-1994). Since 1999, he has served as a Commissioner on the National Unity and Reconciliation Commission, in charge of drafting and supervising the implementation of the national policy for reconciliation in Rwanda, and was twice chosen as its Vice-Chairman. From 1992 to 1994 Antoine served as Secretary of the African Enterprise – Rwanda Board before becoming team leader after the Tutsi Genocide of 1994. Antoine holds a MA in Applied Linguistics (UK, North Wales, 1985-86) and an MA in Modern Literature and Curriculum Development from the Rwanda University and has spoken on the topic of reconciliation for World Vision as well as twice at the Annual International Reconciliation Conferences hosted by Reconciliation New Works of Our World.